We assist local governments with accessing federal grants to strengthen public infrastructure.
The Louisiana Infrastructure Technical Assistance Corporation (LITACorp), a nonprofit organization, was established in October 2022 as a collaborative partnership between the Louisiana Municipal Association (LMA) and the Police Jury Association of Louisiana (PJAL) to advance three key goals:
Equip political subdivisions located in rural and economically distressed areas with the tools and resources they need to identify, apply for, and administer federal grants funded through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).
Minimize barriers for political subdivisions to access federal resources by assisting them with meeting local cost share requirements of federal grant programs funded through IIJA.
Acquire federal grant funds through IIJA to construct, improve, or repair public infrastructure – water and sewer systems, roads, bridges, railways, ports, broadband, etc. – in rural and economically distressed communities throughout Louisiana.
Who We Are
Meet our board and staff.
What We Do
Interested in technical assistance?
Need grant funding?